Submit a Residential Listing

To list your number in the Shetland Directory, please complete the following form, ensuring you complete ALL required fields and enter correct information throughout.

Please also read our ‘How To…’ page for important information regarding your entry.

Landline Numbers (3 left)
Mobile Numbers (3 left)
Emails (3 left)
Your details will be used in both print and online editions of the Shetland Directory.
If you do not want these used in the online edition please tick the box below.

Personal data provided for the Shetland Directory will not be passed to third party organisations other than in the exceptional circumstances detailed in our privacy policy at The Shetland Times Ltd is registered under the Data Protection Act, registration number Z5258228. For more information:

By submitting this form, you authorise The Shetland Times Ltd to use this information in the Shetland Directory, and consent to being contacted about your listing if required.